Pixel Advertising - The next big thing?

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Staff member
There seems to be craze at the moment surrounding pixel advertising inspired by the MillionDollarHomepage.

Could this be "the next big thing"?

Or is it just a fad?

One view of it is covered in a recent article on seochat


New Member
Great idea.
I think that most of the people who have heard of the million dollar homepage are probably in IT. This merges the idea with something that is on everyone's lips at the moment (i.e. what they are going to spend the SSIA on).

Promotion will be key and obviously time is a limiting factor - you'll have to work your butt off to promote the site. I did see a similar site though not of the pixel advertising ilk, can't remember the address of it now.


New Member
Hi Guys,

Thanks for getting back, I have a number of ways planned for promoting the site, it will mainly be through PR though.

I also am interested in going the charity route, if a number of Irish Bloggers assisted in promoting the site, it will mean that we could use it to raise funds for charitys in Ireland.

Richard Moyles
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