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Teaching / Designing / Developing
Again I'd probably just use something like sNews (I'm big into other people fixing things and trying them out first so my customers don't have to)


New Member
as regarding my problem, with the error while trying to template - was fixed by a reinstall...

hmmmmm....dunno what was wrong, but i'm just delighted to have sorted it...


Teaching / Designing / Developing
not exactly ... one guy does have something in the works he's hoping to release in the next little while and there are lots of hacks and stuff going on ...


New Member
ah thats not an option then well so....

the website i'm doing is about a year overdue, or 9months to be accurate, and i've fixed the problem with cmsms now on the site, so that'll be grand.

not getting paid for website, not getting any credit, and not even getting a complimentary cup of tea for it, so i'm not feeling too guilty...


Teaching / Designing / Developing
9 months you say .. its ... its ... a girl ? :D

Looks like a nice enough little gallery will be available in the next week for sNews ...but it won't be a tried and tested solution so ...


New Member
12am at night, i get a call.

"you must have photos online for when the journalist goes into the office tomorrow, i've just told him that the photos are on the site"
"wtf? what time?"
"8:30am he's in at, but they have to be up for 9.30am"
"oh fock"

4am in the morning, after uploading a 309mb zip file, tired, full of coffee.... I wasn't exactly in the mood for paginating it. Might I add, the reason I was up that late anyway, was because i as installing cmsms, and trying to get a half arsed template into it.

completely forgot about compressing the images, until i had the 309mb uploaded, so i ended up having to discard that and then upload another file that was only a few mb's in size...

I bet Forb that you're not as dedicated as that to your job!
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