Anyone used this seo software for a shopping cart??

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Staff member
How much is it?

I couldn't find pricing on the site


New Member

There's a big warning at the top** USE AT OWN RISK **

How dangerous is it installing something like this, could I screw up my site and any exisitng backlinks in google and end up getting you know does this software auto change the url's to match the product that would be cool....


New Member
There's a big warning at the top** USE AT OWN RISK **

These are open source products, and it's nearly a criteria to put that at the top of the download, When you buy software that line is in its the terms and condition's that you agree to. If you read them

But to be on the safe side always make backups on your machine and your databases.

Then test on your local machine before installing to the net,(yes I've learn the hard way).

But if there was a problem with the program I'm sure the zen Cart community would have it sorted out quickly
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