Opinions on my Music Search Engine?

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New Member
Hey there!

My honest advice to you:

You're 16 and it's a great start! But you have a long way to go and the good news is that you started out early. Take every step at a time. Try to implement a more complex design in a static website, play around with some Javascript and jQuery, then get serious on PHP and MySQL if that's what you want to do. Read about standards and try to create simple but perfect projects at first and then move on to the next thing. After you're through with all that you can rebuild backslap and give it a proper design and even customize searches better so it would search links only on trusted websites.

It takes a long time, you get frustrated at times and there's also a chance that you'll want to drop out every now and then, but if you're going all the way through that you'll know that this is truly what you want to do in the future. Good luck!
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